
  1. Startup Conference 2022 on Climate-friendly and climate-resilient prawn farming in Bangladesh (ECOPRAWN)

2. Hossain, Afjal, Max Nielsen, and Rasmus Nielsen. “The choice of prawn or shrimp? Lesson from consumer preferences and price acceptance in the Bangladesh wet fish market.” Aquaculture 583 (2024): 740580.

3. Alam, M.M., Jørgensen, N.O., Bass, D., Santi, M., Nielsen, M., Rahman, M.A., Hasan, N.A., Bablee, A.L., Bashar, A., Hossain, M.I. and Hansen, L.H., Potential of Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture (IMTA) to Make Prawn Farming Sustainable in Bangladesh. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 8, p.1412919.